Customize SharePoint 2010 Error, Login & Access Pages

SharePoint 2010 enables customization of error pages, sign in, request access, confirmation, access denied & sign-out pages, as per a recent blog

For those who build custom Internet facing SharePoint Web Content Management sites, which means they are likely anonymous, one of the most frustrating things was trying to implement a custom error page in SharePoint 2007.

Thankfully this has been addressed in SharePoint 2010. Microsoft PFE Todd Carter (aka: Carl Fredrickson) recently blogged how you can create your own custom error pages… and you aren’t limited to just the error page… you can create Login, Request Access, Confirmation, Access Denied and Sign-Out Pages too!

Andrew Connell
Developer & Chief Course Artisan, Voitanos LLC. | Microsoft MVP
Written by Andrew Connell

Andrew Connell is a full stack developer who focuses on Microsoft Azure & Microsoft 365. He’s a 20+ year recipient of Microsoft’s MVP award and has helped thousands of developers through the various courses he’s authored & taught. Andrew’s mission is to help web developers become experts in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, so they can become irreplaceable in their organization.

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