Last week, while my head was down and focused on updating my course, Microsoft sent their annual notices out to techies who received their first MVP award.
I remember when I was up for consideration and received my first MVP award in 2005. That year, I was recognized as one of five (5) developers awarded for my community work related to Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 (MCMS). Over the years my award category has changed from MCMS to SharePoint to Office Apps & Servers to where it is now: Office Development.

Microsoft MVP renewed for the 17th year
This year marks my 17th MVP award! It’s quite sobering reflecting on the fact I’ve been at this for that long. Each person has their own opinions and gives thanks for things they’ve gained by being part of the MVP program. For me, it’s the people I’ve met. Over the last 17+ years, I’ve met more people around the world from different walks of life and background than I ever thought I’d meet.
Most of all, it’s these people who’ve helped me see the world from a different perspective. These lasting friendships, the connections, and the memories of the time we’ve spent together have been the best part of being a part of this program. I look forward to the day when we have another opportunity to get together in a more manageable/post-pandemic world.