Just finished updating my custom commands for MOSS WCM Publishing site developers. This update is long overdue… I know… my bad. Most importantly, the PublishAllItems command had bad memory issues. Those have since been resolved. I also had a bunch of other changes I had implemented on PublishAllItem (such as canceling running workflows and fixing the issue where not everything was published), but decided to change some stuff up after seeing how Gary Lapointe wrote his PublishItems command.
As for the other commands GenSiteColumnsXml & GenContentTypesXml, theyve been significantly revamped. For both, Im now using the Field.SchemaXml property instead of manually building the XML. Also, the GenContentTypesXml command now includes the and sections.
Feel free to see all the updates listed in the change logand go download the latest release: v0.8.7.1029.