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Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) is Microsoft's productivity cloud designed to help you pursue your passion and run your business. More than just apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft 365 brings together best-in-class productivity apps with powerful cloud services, device management, and advanced security in one, connected experience. It includes SharePoint Online, Microsoft Teams, OneDrive for Business, and many other productivity SaaS offerings from Microsoft.
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Blog: SharePoint 2016, 2019 & SharePoint Online: Which Version of the SharePoint Framework Should You Install?
Customers can leverage the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) in any of the modern or recent SharePoint versions. This includes SharePoint Online & SharePoint on-premises versions SharePoint Server 2016 & SharePoint Server 2019. To build a SPFx project, you use the Yeoman generator for the SharePoint Framework to create your project and get started. But there seems to be some confusion on which version you should install depending on your target SharePoint environment. Let’s clear this up, once and for all.
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Publication: Microsoft Learning: Getting Started with Microsoft Identity
Microsoft identity platform is an evolution of the Microsoft Entra ID developer platform. It allows developers to build applications that sign in users, and access resources in both external applications such as Microsoft Office 365, the Azure portal, and thousands of other SaaS applications as well as internal resources, such as apps on your corporate network and intranet, along with any cloud apps developed by your own organization.- Published on
Blog: Jest Preset Update October 2019
Late last year I published a few Jest presets to simplify adding automated testing to your SharePoint Framework (SPFx) projects. These are complete with example tests including testing the rendering of components, testing async functions using promises or callbacks and even simulating user events. You can learn more about the presets in the original post, Enable Jest testing of SharePoint Framework Projects in One Simple Step. In this post, I want to share some updates to the presets that have been published.
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Blog: Dealing with Undefined 'this' in React Event Handlers in a Performant Way
When I’m teaching React to developers, one thing that comes up often is dealing with a common error. But here’s the interesting thing: it’s not running into the error that comes up all the time, its how to deal with it that surprises them. I’ve always wanted to have something to point to that the scenario & why one option is better than others, even though there are plenty of ways to address the issue. That’s what this post is!
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Blog: SharePoint Framework Summer 2019 Wish List
I originally intended to write this post mid-summer, but just never happened. Thankfully my wish list hasn’t changed for the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) since the spring of this year… wait, maybe that isn’t a good thing?- Published on
Blog: The Good, Bad & the Ugly: Using Angular Elements with the SharePoint Framework
In this series, I showed you how to build custom elements, a native web technology supported natively by most browsers (except you Edge & IE…) and presented two options for how you can go about it. One option involves using one big project with the SharePoint Framework & Angular in it while the other utilizes two projects to mitigate the downsides of the one-project approach. So, you can now use Angular in SharePoint Framework projects and this is made possible by Angular Elements which was introduced in Angular v6 back in May 2017. Sweet! We’ve got the “can you do it” question answered! But, should you do it? There are always tradeoffs when picking a web framework for your next project and using one with the SharePoint Framework is no different. Let’s take a step back and look at the whole picture. Only then can you decide if it makes sense for you.- Published on
Blog: Using Angular Elements in SharePoint Framework Projects
This has been a long time coming and many of you Angular developers who also work with the SharePoint Framework may have given up by now and switched to React, but for those of you who have been holding out, Angular is finally a viable option for SPFx development even with a few drawbacks.- Published on
Blog: JavaScript + SharePoint Framework Summer Camp Calls - July 3 & July 18, 2019!
Microsoft regularly hosts three different community calls under the SharePoint PnP program on various topics. You can learn all about these from the community page in the SharePoint docs at SharePoint Development > Community > Community Calls.
These calls are always recorded and published to the SharePoint PnP YouTube channel. However, during the month of July 2019 schedules are getting a bit out of control with various vacations where no one from the Microsoft side can host the calls and start the recordings. So, they are taking the month of July 2019 off.
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Blog: SharePoint Framework v1.8.2 (and v1.8.1) - What's in the latest Update(s) of SPFx?
Earlier this week, on Tuesday, May 7, 2019, Microsoft released v1.8.2 of the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). A little over a month ago, I wrote about the v1.8.0 release. Since then we had another minor release ( released on April 16, 2019.
In this post, I’ll summarize what you can find, and share some additional details I found after spending some time picking apart the last two minor releases.
First, Explaining a little Snafu in v1.8.0 & v1.8.1
Before I get going, let me explain a snafu that happened in the last few versions. SPFx provides a way to use GA features & features only available under developer preview. The way they do this is by using different packages that include
in the name of the npm package & modifying what objects exposed in the TypeScript type declaration files.- Published on
Blog: Mastering the SharePoint Framework - Sprint 16 adds SPFx with Teams, SPA's and Tons of Updates
I’m excited to share this latest update to my course, Mastering the SharePoint Framework for developers. This update, packaged as sprint 16, includes one new chapter and a LOT of updates. When I originally planned out sprint 16, I intended to record a lot of new content. However when the SPFx v1.8.0 release came out there were enough changes to SPFx that I decided to go back and update the course, including adding some new lessons, completely re-recording existing lessons and updating quite a few lessons (both video & notes).- Published on
Blog: SharePoint Framework v1.8.0 - What's in this SPFx drop?
On Thursday, March 14, 2019, Microsoft released v1.8.0 of the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). This release is packed with many features that were previously in developer preview to the Generally Available (GA) milestone. However, there are some subtle updates that developers have been asking for. In this post, I’ll summarize some of what you can find, but also share some details I found after spending some time with the v1.8.0 release, kicking the tires and finding a few resolutions to issues.- Published on
Blog: Leverage Custom Permissions in Microsoft Entra ID Applications
In my last post, Securing an Azure Function App with Microsoft Entra ID - Works with SharePoint Framework!, I showed how you can secure a REST API deployed as an Azure Function App using Microsoft Entra ID. This comes in quite handy when you want to secure some custom server-side business logic that’’s called from a SharePoint Framework (SPFx) client-side solution. The SPFx docs show how to use APIs with permissions to the Microsoft Graph. This post will explain how to add custom permissions to the AzureAD application that is used to secure your Azure Function.- Published on
Blog: Beware of Declarative Permissions in SharePoint Framework Projects
Developers can declare permissions in SharePoint Framework projects, but it isn’t a good idea. In this article I explain why and suggest a better approach.- Published on
Blog: Mastering the SharePoint Framework Sprint 13 Published with over 3hrs of Microsoft Graph & Microsoft Entra ID Lessons!
I’m excited to share this latest update to my course, Mastering the SharePoint Framework for developers. Today’s update, packaged as sprint 13, includes two new chapters and a few updates… and it’s a huge release… the biggest yet adding over 3 hours of new content!
Sprint 13 also marks a milestone: the Fundamentals Bundle of the course is now content complete! This means all planned chapters are now published. I will continue to make edits to existing chapters updating content when circumstances warrant, but at this time no new chapters or lessons are planned.
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Blog: Enable Jest testing of SharePoint Framework projects in one simple step
Setting up projects to use Jest, especially to test the rendering of your ReactJS SharePoint Framework projects & use the popular tool Enzyme for testing rendering, isn’t a trivial task, until now!- Published on
Blog: SharePoint Framework v1.7.0 - What''s in the latest update of SPFx?
On November 8, 2018 (last Thursday), Microsoft released v1.7.0 of the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). This release is filled with a lot of new things Microsoft has been talking about for a few months. In this post, I’ll summarize some of what you can find, but also share some disappointments I had after spending some time picking apart v1.7.0.
What’s in this update?
- Generally available (GA) things in v1.7.0
- SharePoint 2019 Support
- Dynamic data (ie: connected components)
- Developer Preview things in v1.7.0
- Teams tabs & apps in SharePoint
- Full page apps
- Domain Isolated web parts
- Client-side list subscriptions (
Getting the latest SharePoint Framework
There are two things to do to get your developer environment updated for v1.7.0. The first one is to upgrade the version of the SPFx Yeoman generator.
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Blog: HowTo: Angular Elements in SharePoint Framework Projects - Two Projects
In my last post, I talked about using Angular Elements in SharePoint Framework projects. That post showed how to do this using a single SharePoint Framework Project. In this post, I show you a much better option that uses two projects.- Published on
Blog: HowTo: Angular Elements in SharePoint Framework Projects - One Big Project
In my last post, I talked about using Angular Elements in SharePoint Framework projects. When doing this, you have two options on how you will implement this and in this post, I will talk about doing it in one big project that includes everything. In tomorrow’s post, I’ll show you a much better option that uses two projects.- Published on
Blog: ngOfficeUIFabric for AngularJS v1.6 - Archived & Read Only
I’ve decided to mark the ngOfficeUIFabric for AngularJS 1.6.x as read-only, as the project was not intended to work with Angular 2+.- Published on
Blog: Avoid the Office UI Fabric JavaScript Package - Its Bad.
Citing issues with the Office UI Fabric JavaScript project, I advise against its use and recommend exploring alternative options.- Published on
Blog: Mastering the SharePoint Framework Course May Update - New Chapters Added for jQuery & React!
Learn what’s new in the May 2018 update of our flagship course, Mastering the SharePoint Framework. We added chapters for jQuery & React!- Published on
Blog: State Of SharePoint Development Survey - Share Your Thoughts!
A few months ago, we partnered up with Rencore on their third annual State of SharePoint and Office 365 customizations survey. The point of this survey was to learn and share how customers were customizing SharePoint & Office 365.
Today, continuing our partnership, I’m launching the first annual comprehensive State of SharePoint Development survey. This survey is for developers with the goal of obtaining and sharing the technical state of SharePoint developers around the world. The findings of this survey will then be summarized into a report that provides valuable insights.
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Blog: Paul Stork on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers share their thoughts on Microsoft’s SharePoint Framework, which introduced a client-side development option in 2016.- Published on
Blog: Expert SharePoint Developers on the SharePoint Framework
Experienced SharePoint developers discuss the SharePoint Framework as a client-side development option for SharePoint introduced by Microsoft in 2016.- Published on
Blog: SharePoint Framework - In Ryan Schouten's Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers share their thoughts on Microsoft’s SharePoint Framework, which offers client-side development for SharePoint.- Published on
Blog: Managing SharePoint Online Site Collection App Catalogs with the CLI for Microsoft 365
Microsoft gives us a few options for managing our SharePoint Online environments. We can use the SharePoint Admin center, REST APIs, the CSOM and the SharePoint Online PowerShell. To fill the gaps, the SharePoint PnP group has created PowerShell cmdlets that cover additional tasks not covered by the Microsoft provided PowerShell. While these are good options, they aren’t very friendly to those who aren’t on the Windows platform. These two PowerShell options don’t leverage the cross-platform PowerShell, rather they are only available for the Windows platform.
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Blog: Prashant Bhoyar on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers share their thoughts on Microsoft’s 2016 SharePoint Framework, which offers client-side development options.- Published on
Blog: Jeremy Thake on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
In 2016, Microsoft introduced SharePoint Framework (SPFx) for extensibility and customization in SharePoint. Experienced devs share their thoughts on SPFx.- Published on
Blog: State of SharePoint & Office 365 Customizations 2018 Survey
Ever wonder how your organization compares with other organizations in the same space? Have you sat at your desk and thought “I wonder if the challenges we are facing are the same as what others in the industry are facing?”
Now is your chance to find out!
I’m teaming up with Rencore this year to co-host two surveys.
State of SharePoint & Office 365 Customizations 2018 Survey
In this first survey by Rencore, you can share some information about your organization (anonymously of course) and learn how your organization compares to others in the industry on topics such as:
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Blog: Mastering SPFx Course January 2018 Update - Two New Chapters Published
Learn what’s new in the January 2018 update of our flagship course, Mastering the SharePoint Framework, including two new chapters!- Published on
Blog: Doug Hemminger on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
SharePoint Framework introduced in 2016 as a new development model for SharePoint, enabling client-side development. Experienced developers share insights.- Published on
Blog: Amit Vasu on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers share their thoughts on the SharePoint Framework, Microsoft’s new extensibility and customization development model.- Published on
Blog: Wrapping up 2017 at Voitanos and Charging into 2018!
I’m sitting here with a smile on my face as I sit back in these last few days of 2017, reflecting on the previous year and looking forward to next year. It’s been quite a ride, finally getting Voitanos off the ground and working up production. While the stakes are not comparable, I cannot help but see similarities with my experience this past year and what Tesla has been doing with their Model 3 sedan. From delays in the ramp up, to launch and now working through issues to increase production and output, I’m working through similar things at Voitanos on a much smaller scale.
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Blog: Angular, React or Vue - Which Web Framework to Focus on for SPFx?
Many developers picking up the SharePoint Framework are coming from a traditional SharePoint development background. Some of these people server-side developers primarily who may have some client-side development experience while others may have been customizing SharePoint using client-side development techniques for a while.
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Blog: Future of ngOfficeUIFabric - Office UI Fabric Components
I’ve waited a long time to write this post, but after some recent developments were made more public last week, its finally time to start moving forward.- Published on
Blog: Solve the SharePoint Framework + Angular Challenge with Angular 5.0 Elements
Last week at the European SharePoint Conference 2017 (ESPC) in Dublin, Ireland, Rob Wormald presented on a new tech being added to the core of Angular that I think will make Angular much more approachable and useful to so many developers. Unfortunately, this session wasn’t recorded nor did I have the opportunity to attend due to co-chairing another conference in Orlando at the same time. I am familiar with the topic though as I’ve been assisting the Angular team in understanding SharePoint & the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) over the last few months. Over that time, I’ve become sold on this approach, not just for SPFx, but for Angular as a whole! In this post, I want to explain how this works.- Published on
Blog: What's up with Angular (v2.x / v4.x) and the SharePoint Framework?
This post is long, LONG overdue. I’ve explained this multiple times over email & in person to SharePoint Framework developers. It’s about time I have something to point to… so here’s my take on the SharePoint Framework + Angular [v2.0 / v4.0 / v+] state of things.
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Blog: SharePoint Framework v1.2 and SPFx Extensions RC0
Last week was a busy week for the SharePoint Framework guys as we saw two big milestones and a bit of a scramble. We saw a new drop that changed the project scaffolding a bit, some new or updated support and a new drop for an upcoming feature. In this post, I’ll summarize all these things and point out a few things Microsoft has yet to explain in depth yet.- Published on
Blog: Latest News for the SharePoint Framework: Extensions RC!
In the most recent SharePoint Patterns & Practices - JavaScript Special Interest Group meeting, Microsoft shared some news on the SharePoint Framework. The news fell into three buckets:
- Recent Updates
- Update on SPFx Modern UI Extensions
- SharePoint Framework Engineering Backlog
Recent Updates
The big news that in the last few weeks Microsoft introduced a new, and often requested, feature for SPFx: **tenant-scoped deployment for SPFx client-side web parts and extensions. This means addins or extensions can be deployed to all sites within your tenant just a single time!
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Blog: Subscribe to Chris O'Brien's SharePoint wish list blog
As a SharePoint enthusiast, I highly recommend subscribing to Chris O’Brien’s blog. Get insights into his work challenges and his SharePoint wish list today.- Published on
Blog: SharePoint Framework Generator Recent Updates (v1.1.1) and Sign of On-Prem SPFx to Come?
In the recent SharePoint Framework (SPFx) generator updates in v1.1.1, are we starting to see hints of on-prem SPFx support coming soon?- Published on
Blog: Vincent Biret on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Seasoned SharePoint developers share their thoughts on the SharePoint Framework, which brings client-side development to SharePoint.- Published on
Blog: Paolo Pialorsi on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers give their perspective on SharePoint Framework, a new development model for SharePoint introduced by Microsoft in 2016.- Published on
Blog: Elio Struyf on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers discuss their thoughts on SharePoint Framework (SPFx), introduced by Microsoft in 2016 for client-side development- Published on
Blog: Eric Overfield on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Eric Overfield shares his thoughts on the SharePoint Framework, a client-side development option for SharePoint introduced by Microsoft in 2016.- Published on
Blog: Marc Anderson on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers share their insights on SharePoint Framework (SPFx) introduced by Microsoft in 2016 as a first-class option.- Published on
Blog: Corey Roth on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
The SharePoint Framework was introduced by Microsoft in 2016, bringing client-side development to SharePoint. Experienced developers share their thoughts.- Published on
Blog: Wictor Wilen on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers share their thoughts on Microsoft’s SharePoint Framework, which brings client-side development as a first-class option.- Published on
Blog: Eric Shupps on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Eric Shupps shares his thoughts on the SharePoint Framework, a client-side development option for SharePoint introduced by Microsoft in 2016.- Published on
Blog: Julie Turner on the SharePoint Framework In Her Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers discuss their thoughts on the SharePoint Framework, which was introduced by Microsoft in 2016 for client-side development.