Latest SharePoint Framework (SPFx) topics
All the latest SharePoint Framework (SPFx) pages on this site.
The SharePoint Framework is the latest development model for customizing and extending SharePoint. The SharePoint Framework (SPFx) is a page and web part model that provides full support for client-side SharePoint development, easy integration with SharePoint data, and extending Microsoft Teams. With the SharePoint Framework, you can use modern web technologies and tools in your preferred development environment to build productive experiences and apps that are responsive and mobile-ready.
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Blog: Mikael Svenson on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers share their own thoughts on the SharePoint Framework introduced by Microsoft in 2016 for client-side development.- Published on
Blog: Mastering the SharePoint Framework Course May Update - New Chapters Added for jQuery & React!
Learn what’s new in the May 2018 update of our flagship course, Mastering the SharePoint Framework. We added chapters for jQuery & React!- Published on
Blog: Chris Kent on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
The SharePoint Framework introduced client-side development as a primary option for SharePoint in 2016. Experienced developers share their thoughts.- Published on
Blog: State Of SharePoint Development Survey - Share Your Thoughts!
A few months ago, we partnered up with Rencore on their third annual State of SharePoint and Office 365 customizations survey. The point of this survey was to learn and share how customers were customizing SharePoint & Office 365.
Today, continuing our partnership, I’m launching the first annual comprehensive State of SharePoint Development survey. This survey is for developers with the goal of obtaining and sharing the technical state of SharePoint developers around the world. The findings of this survey will then be summarized into a report that provides valuable insights.
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Blog: New Chapter - Mastering SharePoint Framework Fundamentals
I just finished sprint 8 of my Mastering the SharePoint Framework course. Join now &get access to the new chapter in the Fundamentals bundle.- Published on
Blog: Paul Stork on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers share their thoughts on Microsoft’s SharePoint Framework, which introduced a client-side development option in 2016.- Published on
Blog: SharePoint Framework Generator Updated to v1.4.1: Inspecting the Changes
Microsoft released a new version of the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) v1.4.1. In this post, I explore what’s in this new release!.- Published on
Blog: Expert SharePoint Developers on the SharePoint Framework
Experienced SharePoint developers discuss the SharePoint Framework as a client-side development option for SharePoint introduced by Microsoft in 2016.- Published on
Blog: SharePoint Framework - In Ryan Schouten's Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers share their thoughts on Microsoft’s SharePoint Framework, which offers client-side development for SharePoint.- Published on
Blog: Prashant Bhoyar on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers share their thoughts on Microsoft’s 2016 SharePoint Framework, which offers client-side development options.- Published on
Blog: Jeremy Thake on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
In 2016, Microsoft introduced SharePoint Framework (SPFx) for extensibility and customization in SharePoint. Experienced devs share their thoughts on SPFx.- Published on
Blog: Mastering SPFx Course January 2018 Update - Two New Chapters Published
Learn what’s new in the January 2018 update of our flagship course, Mastering the SharePoint Framework, including two new chapters!- Published on
Blog: Doug Hemminger on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
SharePoint Framework introduced in 2016 as a new development model for SharePoint, enabling client-side development. Experienced developers share insights.- Published on
Blog: Amit Vasu on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers share their thoughts on the SharePoint Framework, Microsoft’s new extensibility and customization development model.- Published on
Blog: Wrapping up 2017 at Voitanos and Charging into 2018!
I’m sitting here with a smile on my face as I sit back in these last few days of 2017, reflecting on the previous year and looking forward to next year. It’s been quite a ride, finally getting Voitanos off the ground and working up production. While the stakes are not comparable, I cannot help but see similarities with my experience this past year and what Tesla has been doing with their Model 3 sedan. From delays in the ramp up, to launch and now working through issues to increase production and output, I’m working through similar things at Voitanos on a much smaller scale.
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Blog: Angular, React or Vue - Which Web Framework to Focus on for SPFx?
Many developers picking up the SharePoint Framework are coming from a traditional SharePoint development background. Some of these people server-side developers primarily who may have some client-side development experience while others may have been customizing SharePoint using client-side development techniques for a while.
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Blog: Solve the SharePoint Framework + Angular Challenge with Angular 5.0 Elements
Last week at the European SharePoint Conference 2017 (ESPC) in Dublin, Ireland, Rob Wormald presented on a new tech being added to the core of Angular that I think will make Angular much more approachable and useful to so many developers. Unfortunately, this session wasn’t recorded nor did I have the opportunity to attend due to co-chairing another conference in Orlando at the same time. I am familiar with the topic though as I’ve been assisting the Angular team in understanding SharePoint & the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) over the last few months. Over that time, I’ve become sold on this approach, not just for SPFx, but for Angular as a whole! In this post, I want to explain how this works.- Published on
Blog: What's up with Angular (v2.x / v4.x) and the SharePoint Framework?
This post is long, LONG overdue. I’ve explained this multiple times over email & in person to SharePoint Framework developers. It’s about time I have something to point to… so here’s my take on the SharePoint Framework + Angular [v2.0 / v4.0 / v+] state of things.
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Blog: Mastering the SharePoint Framework Sale Date is Only 1 Week Away + 50% Discount!
Well, I am just about a week away from the pre-release launch of my Mastering the SharePoint Framework developer course. [Last week I wrote about](/blog/ mastering-the-sharepoint-framework-on-demand-course-pre-release-availability-news-and-a-50-discount) the September 19th release & how the special 1-day only 50% sale will work. If you missed that, not to worry, watch the following video that explains the pre-release as well as the special 1-day sale (exclusive to you, my email subscribers):
Full details on the pre-release launch, special 1-day 50% sale, terms & conditions as well as frequently asked questions, can be found on the Voitanos website.
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Blog: Mastering the SharePoint Framework on demand Course Pre-Release Availability News [And a 50% Discount!]
Many months ago I shared my plan to publish a new course on SharePoint Framework for developers. Like so many new ventures, I hit a few speed bumps along the way, both technical and in my personal life that delayed things longer than I originally planned… but finally…the next phase of Mastering the SharePoint Framework is ready!- Published on
Blog: SharePoint Framework v1.2 and SPFx Extensions RC0
Last week was a busy week for the SharePoint Framework guys as we saw two big milestones and a bit of a scramble. We saw a new drop that changed the project scaffolding a bit, some new or updated support and a new drop for an upcoming feature. In this post, I’ll summarize all these things and point out a few things Microsoft has yet to explain in depth yet.- Published on
Blog: Latest News for the SharePoint Framework: Extensions RC!
In the most recent SharePoint Patterns & Practices - JavaScript Special Interest Group meeting, Microsoft shared some news on the SharePoint Framework. The news fell into three buckets:
- Recent Updates
- Update on SPFx Modern UI Extensions
- SharePoint Framework Engineering Backlog
Recent Updates
The big news that in the last few weeks Microsoft introduced a new, and often requested, feature for SPFx: **tenant-scoped deployment for SPFx client-side web parts and extensions. This means addins or extensions can be deployed to all sites within your tenant just a single time!
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Blog: Pre-release: Fundamentals of Mastering SharePoint Framework
As the creator of ‘Mastering the SharePoint Framework’ course, I’m excited to announce the pre-release of our fundamentals bundle.- Published on
Blog: Subscribe to Chris O'Brien's SharePoint wish list blog
As a SharePoint enthusiast, I highly recommend subscribing to Chris O’Brien’s blog. Get insights into his work challenges and his SharePoint wish list today.- Published on
Blog: Follow up to my SPFx Generator v1.1.1 On-Prem / SPO Question
Blog post examines updates to SPFx generator and the potential need for separate projects for on-premises and online SPFx deployments.- Published on
Blog: SharePoint Framework Generator Recent Updates (v1.1.1) and Sign of On-Prem SPFx to Come?
In the recent SharePoint Framework (SPFx) generator updates in v1.1.1, are we starting to see hints of on-prem SPFx support coming soon?- Published on
Blog: Vincent Biret on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Seasoned SharePoint developers share their thoughts on the SharePoint Framework, which brings client-side development to SharePoint.- Published on
Blog: Paolo Pialorsi on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers give their perspective on SharePoint Framework, a new development model for SharePoint introduced by Microsoft in 2016.- Published on
Blog: Elio Struyf on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers discuss their thoughts on SharePoint Framework (SPFx), introduced by Microsoft in 2016 for client-side development- Published on
Blog: Eric Overfield on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Eric Overfield shares his thoughts on the SharePoint Framework, a client-side development option for SharePoint introduced by Microsoft in 2016.- Published on
Blog: Marc Anderson on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers share their insights on SharePoint Framework (SPFx) introduced by Microsoft in 2016 as a first-class option.- Published on
Blog: Corey Roth on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
The SharePoint Framework was introduced by Microsoft in 2016, bringing client-side development to SharePoint. Experienced developers share their thoughts.- Published on
Blog: Wictor Wilen on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers share their thoughts on Microsoft’s SharePoint Framework, which brings client-side development as a first-class option.- Published on
Blog: Eric Shupps on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Eric Shupps shares his thoughts on the SharePoint Framework, a client-side development option for SharePoint introduced by Microsoft in 2016.- Published on
Blog: Julie Turner on the SharePoint Framework In Her Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers discuss their thoughts on the SharePoint Framework, which was introduced by Microsoft in 2016 for client-side development.- Published on
Blog: Bob German on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
The SharePoint Framework is a new development model for SharePoint that offers client-side development. Experienced SharePoint developers share their thoughts.- Published on
Blog: Mark Rackley on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
Experienced SharePoint developers share their thoughts on the SharePoint Framework introduced by Microsoft in 2016, allowing client-side development.- Published on
Blog: Wes Hackett on the SharePoint Framework In His Own Words
SharePoint Framework introduced in 2016 brings client-side development to SharePoint. Seasoned SharePoint developers share their thoughts.- Published on
Blog: Modern JSLink, Custom Actions and More coming to the SharePoint Framework
Today Microsoft announced new updates coming to the SharePoint Framework ahead of their sessions at the Build Conference. In a blog post, Build integrated user experiences with new capabilities of SharePoint and OneDrive, they talked about four big additions that engineering is working on and will make it into a new developer preview of the SharePoint Framework by the end of May 2017.
This week in the Microsoft Cloud Show podcast episode’s special coverage for the Build conference, CJ & AC sat down with Microsoft’s Vesa Juvonen about these new features and more. Check it out in Episode 193 | Vesa Juvonen on New SharePoint Framework Capabilities Announced at Build!So… what’s new you ask? Some of these things were teased up a bit in the last SharePoint JavaScript/SPFx PnP SIG meeting that I covered in a previous blog post.
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Blog: Early May 2017 SharePoint Framework Updates
In last week’s SharePoint Framework & JavaScript Special Interest Group meeting, Microsoft’s Vesa Juvonen shared what’s the engineering team at Microsoft is working on and more!
Updated SharePoint Framework Yeoman Generator
In early April, Microsoft quietly shipped two updates to the Yeoman generator for the SharePoint Framework, @microsoft/generator-sharepoint. The latest version is v1.0.2. The updates were fairly minor… I recently blogged about what you will find in the updates and how I figured out what the updates were as they aren’t well documented: SharePoint Framework Generator Updated to v1.0.2.
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Blog: SharePoint Framework Generator Updated to v1.0.2
Did you know the SharePoint team at Microsoft updated the Yeoman generator, @microsoft/generator-sharepoint, twice in the last month? Yeah… I didn’t either until yesterday.
The final version was released on February 23, 2017, as version 1.0.0. They then slipped two more updates in early April in quick succession as versions 1.0.1 & 1.0.2. Unfortunately, Microsoft still hasn’t published the repo for the generator or made the homepage for it in the NPMJS registry of any use… just some boilerplate copy… so it’s not easy to figure out what’s changed.
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Blog: Manage Multiple Node.js Version Installs with NVM
Learn how using a node version manager (NVM) is a fantastic tool for developers who rely on Node.js… including SharePoint Framework (SPFx) developers!- Published on
Blog: Now Available: Mastering the SharePoint Framework - Starter Bundle
Today I’m thrilled to let you know that the starter bundle of my course, Mastering the SharePoint Framework, is now available!- Published on
Blog: Followup to my "Building Client-Side Web Parts with the SharePoint Framework" Rencore Webinar
This article is a follow-up to my recent webinar on “Building Client-Side Web Parts with the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)” with Rencore.- Published on
Blog: Troubleshooting and Fixing the "Out of the Blue, My SharePoint Framework Projects Won't Build!"
Earlier this week I presented a session at the Atlanta SharePoint User Group on Building Client Side Web Parts with the SharePoint Framework. I had my session planned well in advance, out but wanted to build the demos while they were fresh in my head. Last week I was out of work mode with my family relaxing on a beach in Mexico for Spring Break, so I planned to do build my demos yesterday morning, on Sunday. While we were supposed to return home Saturday night, we missed our international connection and got stuck overnight, not making it home until about 12pm EDT Sunday.
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Blog: Generally Available: SharePoint Framework (v1.0)
Yesterday Microsoft announced that the SharePoint Framework has reached the Generally Available milestone. That means we’re at v1! The development tools have been updated to v1 and the v1 bits are rolling out to Office 365 SharePoint Online tenants now. Microsoft said it will take about a week or so for it to reach all Office 365 tenancies.
You can get the details of this update from their wiki page in the main sp-dev-docs repo. So what change from RC0 to GA?
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Blog: What the SharePoint Framework means to Users
Last week I was in New Orleans presenting at the Nintex InspireX conference on building apps using the microservice approach with containers and Docker. During that week I sat down with Jeremy Thake of Hyperfish to talk about the SharePoint Framework and what it means for end users of SharePoint.
During this discussion we discussed:
- what is the new SharePoint Framework
- how the SharePoint Framework will effect the SharePoint user experience
- some tips on how to keep up with the SharePoint Framework
You can listen to the whole discussion on the Hypefish podcast.
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Blog: What's Next for the SharePoint Framework?
If you are a SharePoint developer doing any work in SharePoint Online and you have held out on taking a look at the SharePoint Framework, now is a good time to start taking a look. We are currently at the release candidate 0 (RC0) and in the coming weeks, we can expect to see the generally available (GA) release. This release will support client-side web parts as Microsoft wanted to make sure they got that capability perfected… but they won’t stop there!
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Blog: Free Email Course: Understand SharePoint Framework Toolchain
Microsoft introduces SharePoint Framework at Future of SharePoint event, focusing on client-side customization and development over server-side approach.- Published on
Publication: Learn SharePoint Framework and Set Up Workstation Quickly
Join the 10-day email course to learn about SharePoint Framework and the new development toolchain, and set up your workstation quickly